❖ Providing services to business only ❖ Set up of Business Entities in India, Dubai and USA ❖ Providing man-power through recruitment and contractual staffing services ❖ Providing Industrial/ commercial land, building, offices, co-working space and virtual offices to set up factories and offices ❖ Providing Funding arrangements on pro-active basis continuously and investment arrangements to maximize ROI of business. ❖ Providing different types of training to entrepreneurs and their staff and services of Corporate Travel Desk. ❖ Providing market place for manufacturers and service-providers, who want to sell their products or give services directly to the customers. It will maximize manufacturing and profit and minimize cost of customers. ❖ Providers of business softwares required for day-to-day business operation purpose. ❖ Providers of hardwares required for day-to-day business operation purpose. ❖ Cloud solutions for all types of business. ❖ Business consultancy. ❖ Statutory compliances of business more than 84 services to satisfy;lp- Government agencies and other Stake holders,